The Comeback Strategy in HotS

We’ve all been there. The first objective grab didn’t go so hot. Then they grab their mercs. Then they’re pushing two lanes at once. It takes all of your willpower not to just gg right there and start over next game.

No matter how frustratingly bad the opening goes, it is by no means indicative of how the game will end. Too many matches have been extreme back and forth matches of map control and level advantage. The deciding factor? The will to keep fighting.

It’s all about the Defense

When your opponents are two levels ahead, it’s not a good idea to face them head on in a knockdown, drag out brawl. They will defeat you, especially if they have their heroics and you don’t. Instead of playing offensively, do what you can defensively. Continue focusing down creeps to lessen the XP divide. Grab mercs to help push lanes in your favor, and, whatever you do, do not get caught out in the open. One death at this pivotal moment means your team will probably miss out on yet another objective.

Be Creative with Objectives

No one says you have to grab an objective if the other team having it won’t hurt you. In Cursed Hollow, for instance, you need three tributes for a curse. During the first or second one, why not push one of their lanes while you know they’re all grabbing the tribute to up your XP? During Sky Temple, why waste your time losing a fight for a tower they clearly control when you can head to the second one and maybe kill the lone opponent that tried to hold it? In essence, coming back from a losing position is more about being flexible and adapting to your level disadvantage than it is continuing to play like you’re winning.

Exploit Sloppy Enemy Play

It’s a common story when one team starts strong, gets sloppy in the middle and then completely loses the game. After all, it’s not easy to stay focused when you’re three levels ahead and have been dominating since the gates opened. Pay close attention to this. Move together and gank every single enemy that decides to venture out on their own. If this is late game, it is especially damaging to enemy morale since the death timer is far more than just a few seconds. Longer deaths will also mean the enemy will probably charge into battle one at a time, desperate to stop your sudden surge in power. Use this to your advantage and keep them down. If you do this, they’ll have a hard time coming back at all.

Stick Together

Last but not least, the worst thing you can do with a level advantage is split up outside of your own fortifications. Mercs need to be grabbed together, lanes need to be defended together. A cohesive unit of five is far harder to break by two enemy Heroes than one lone soul two levels down trying to stop a push. Moving together also means a reduced chance of getting ganked and an improved chance of landing a gank. It’s a win-win scenario that winning teams often let go of about halfway through the match up. This also goes for when one of your members dies. Until they’re back up, retreat into a defensive position. Nothing will destroy an amazing comeback faster than rushing headfirst into a 4v5 a few levels down. If you thought you were behind before your team got wiped, just imagine how far behind you’ll be once you all revive. If you are new to this game, we suggest you to see this guide to digest all important info first.

Source: HotSSource
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