Guide to Unlocking Your First 10 Competitive Heroes

If you want to play at the highest level in Heroes of the Storm, you'll need to venture into Hero League to compete against the best of the best. In order to queue into Hero League, first you'll need to own 10 heroes. Some players don't plan ahead when purchasing characters, meaning they only have a handful of favorites and delay their entry into Hero League far longer than necessary. Even worse, some players unlock 10 heroes that aren't well-suited to balanced top-level play and start their Hero League career with frustrated teams and unnecessary losses. 

You won't be making that mistake because you found this guide to unlocking your first 10 characters. Following the instructions below will arm you with the most affordable and competitive roster of heroes possible for newer players. These aren't the 10 best characters in the game, but they're the perfect balance of good and cheap to get you started in Hero League. If you still feel like it's taking too long to bank the required gold to buy all these heroes, you can also read my guide to earning gold quicker.  

You'll need to acquire characters in each of the four major roles: Assassin, Warrior, Support, and Specialist. This ensures that you can fill any of the necessary roles for your team during the draft process. If you don't have any support characters for instance, your team is going to be rightfully and righteously upset at the lack of healing. So let's get into the major roles and the right heroes in each to unlock first. 

Assassin Heroes

The typical team composition is composed of one warrior, one support, one specialist, and two assassins. Because assassins are therefore the most common role to appear in Hero League games, you'll need at least four to make sure one you own is available when it's your turn to draft.

1. Valla - 2,000 Gold
Valla is a top five ranged assassin that's very easy to master. She can do tons of damage, clear minions effectively, and has a fair amount of survivability. She's also one of the cheapest characters in the game! All that makes her far-and-away the best assassin to start filling up your roster. 

2. Falstad - 7,000 Gold
The top few assassins in the game all cost 10,000 gold, and some people would argue they're worth the cost. But Falstad is a little more affordable and offers some unique things that other assassins lack. He gives you ultimate mobility and map presence while still doing lots of damage. That unique attribute bumps him up the list over other 4,000 or 7,000 gold heroes. 

3. Tychus - 4,000 Gold
Tychus is one of the four cheapest assassins in the game, and is a more-than-adequate selection for Hero League. He has two different heroic abilities to meet different kinds of needs and fit into unique compositions, and his overall damage output can be enormous. Some people would suggest Illidan in this slot, but Tychus is a more reliable pick that's harder to counter in the average composition. 

4. Raynor - 2,000 Gold

Raynor isn't considered a top tier assassin, but he can fill in your roster as an average hero that's very affordable. He has consistent damage, high survivability for an assassin, and utility that improves the damage of other heroes on your team. 

Warrior Heroes

Having a good warrior who can "tank" in team fights is fundamental to success in Hero League. You'll need to make sure that you're able to fill this role in the draft. Some teams will run double warrior compositions, so it's important to have a third option just in case your first two have already been taken off the board. 

5. Anub'arak - 4,000 Gold
Anub'arak is a highly regarded tank and also happens to be fairly affordable. That makes him an easy first pick to start building your roster of warriors. He doesn't have the largest health pool or survivability, but his ample crowd control and high damage output make him a very strong choice in almost any team composition.   

6. Muradin - 2,000 Gold
Muradin on the other hand can survive almost anything, and will meet your needs as a true tank. He also happens to be one of the cheapest warriors in the game and a very popular selection in Hero League. This isn't just a "budget" selection, but a real valuable addition to your roster. 

7. E.T.C. - 2,000 Gold

E.T.C. has lost some favor in the meta game recently, but remains a viable choice in certain team compositions. His Mosh Pit heroic ability can work incredibly well with teams that have a lot of area of effect burst damage, so he'll work well as a leftover pick or a specialty selection to meet your team's needs. 

Support Heroes

Every team needs a support that's capable of being a dedicated healer, so it's absolutely vital that you're able to select a support if your team requires one. Since it's very unusual for a team to take two dedicated healers, you should be safe to start with two supports and build from there. Luckily two top-tier supports happen to be the two cheapest supports in the game. 

8. Malfurion - 2,000 Gold
Malfurion is the ultimate healer in the game and will meet your team's needs in virtually every game or composition. He has great crowd control, a powerful healing heroic, and some high utility abilities too. 

9. Li Li - 2,000 Gold

When Malfurion has already been selected by the other team (which will happen often), Li Li is a suitable backup that's capable of putting out big healing numbers and influencing team fights in major ways.

Specialist Hero

It's usually good to have a specialist on your team to give you extra pushing power and complementary damage. If the other team happens to select your only specialist, it's generally acceptable to select an assassin with good minion clear in its place. 

10. Zagara - 7,000 Gold
Zagara is the only top-tier specialist that's less than 10,000 gold. She also happens to be the perfect well-rounded selection that can do lots of damage and have big impacts in team fights, as well as provide extra vision and powerful lane pushes. 

Who's Next?

Once you have your first 10 heroes, you'll need to expand your roster with additional powerful heroes that allow you to fill in gaps and counter enemy teams. Who you unlock next will depend heavily on your playstyle, but I do have a few recommendations based on your starting roster. 

Kael'Thas - 10,000 Gold
This hero will give you another powerful ranged assassin that's capable of doing crazy area of effect damage. Your first four assassins lack potent area of effect burst, so Kael'Thas will fill in that hole immediately. He's the most popular character in Hero League for a good reason. 

Rehgar - 7,000 Gold
As you expand your support roster, Rehgar is a natural third choice. He has lots of mobility, the potential for extra damage, fantastic team heals, and the best burst heal in the game.

Sylvanas - 10,000 Gold
Sylvanas is a great specialist in general, and can also play like a secondary assassin. She's great to have available all the time, and practically mandatory any time you play on Haunted Mines. If you don't have Sylvanas available to select on Haunted Mines when you're first pick, you're instantly giving the enemy team an advantage.

Johanna - 10,000 Gold
Johanna is the ultimate tank. She can do so many helpful things all while being virtually impossible to kill. Once she's on your roster, you'll basically have a warrior for any occasion or team composition. 

The Butcher - 10,000 Gold
The Butcher is still relatively new, but shows signs of becoming the strongest melee assassin in the game. The one thing you're lacking in your roster is a bursty melee assassin, and this hungry fellow would fill that gap perfectly.

If you follow these guidelines, you will have everything you need to start playing Hero League as soon as you hit level 30. You'll be able to ensure your teams are as balanced as possible and your teammates won't have anything to complain about with your drafting process. Now get out there and master these heroes!

Source: Heroes2P
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